Trucker son to my dad poster


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I hope she sued the students as well!. With that happening Thats horrible. The students involved should be permanently suspended from the University. As usual the main posts does not include important details… Let’s see how many idiots say it’s about race judging by the headline. Her roommates need to be held accountable . This could’ve ended a lot differently. I’m glad that she’s alive.. The other students should be charged and expelled from school.. Watch people defend this. And her toxic past makes headlines.. Her roommates need to be held accountable for setting this up. Very sad that college students aren’t smart enough to know that this isn’t ok.. This is disgraceful! Why aren’t criminal charges being pursued in addition to college disciplinary actions”? This is not an innocent prank!. What I don’t get is how they thought it was the correct choice to move her out of the dorm, instead of keeping her there and kicking out everyone else involved. You basically gave the offenders what they wanted. They wanted her out and that’s what happ… Trucker son to my dad poster

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This is on the roommates not the police for responding to a call. Dont get it twisted.. Every one of the 11 girls who planned this should be expelled from SFA and charged by the police with a crime.. Prank? Completely irresponsible & possibly heinous intent. Thankfully she is physically safe. I hope she gets counseling for her trauma.. The fact that this young lady was 17 at the time of the incident is an even bigger problem for the school. I know of a music conservatory that hesitates to even bring 17 year-old freshmen on freshman choir tours. Your responsibility of the well-being o… . Once they found out you don’t get in trouble it starting to be a norm I’m sorry anyone who calls police with a false claim should be charged with attempted murder. This is dangerous behavior and an example needs to be set.. All involved in the false report should be charged with such and suspended or expelled from the school Trucker son to my dad poster

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The question rises if the students have been identified, why were they, at the very least, not immediately suspended? They plainly broke the law, as well as the schools code of conduct. Young adults talk, so I am pretty confident that they know exactly… . Sounds like students were bullied her! Not a good sign.. Like I said, when it comes to disciplinary actions involving a white person, the storyline is 9 times out of 10 allegedly. Its also not surprising that m their names are being withheld.. Let’s see. What excuses will be made today by people who are in denial of their racism? I want to be surprised when I scroll down.. Holy crap! Those involved should be expelled. No suspension. Expulsion and whatever criminal charges can be applied.. Let me guess , CNN will say it was because she is black . No other reason . She’s black .

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We cant seem to get anyone to work at my company. There are lots of jobs.. The governors are keeping businesses closed .. Fuelled by incompetence Biden would correct all the ills… Proudly for Democrats from my LOVELY shithole country”. And the President* of the United States has never been this incompetent.. Let’s support decency,paying one’s taxes and,. Get rid of Mr Stand by.. Proud Boys! Vote Blue so we can get going in the right direction.. It would be 50% if Biden were president.. But let’s elect the guy that caused it to fix it. . We’ve never, in any of lifetimes, been in the middle of a national situation quite like this one, either. We could list 100 differences in the 2020 election and every other one in our lifetime. So, there’s that.. Trump did nothing to help our citizens and people are mad that anyone inconvenienced them with a shutdown. It’s not the shutdown, it’s the lack of support from our federal govt who declared a national emergency, then acted like every state could handle…

Very decent looking ladies, pure beauty. I can really care less about what the First Lady wears, they dont run the country. My god what a puff piece this is. Is this really considered journalism these days?. Is just me or Michelle looks like a man. Suns out, guns out.. All the other First Ladies were women. Yes because this what the liberal news is all about , no sleeves , probably still fake news . Her bare arms were not my problem with her-it is what is in her heart.. You’re kidding right!!????. Not at all. I hate sleeveless clothing and have never worn it in my life.