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Excellent Debate Kamala Harris! Calm, Cool and Collected!! I liked that you were speaking directly to me the Public!! Also liked when you reminded Mike PenceI am speaking”!!!. Thank you Pete for being a tireless surrogate for Biden/Harris. You are without a doubt their best weapon!!!. Pete….Nevada needs her down here talking to the HUGE pool of Native Americans that feel very disenfranchised and trapped here in TRUMP country. It could be a significant swing for our ticket in Nevada. Shelby Sanders. Women have no facial expression that is immune to criticism. She looks fine to me. She is gorgeous and strong. My new comment to men trying to intimidate me is “I refuse to be lectured by you when I am the expert in this situation!” #BidenHarris2020. Please!! As opposed to that little s*** Nick Sandmann with his smirk at the Washington Memorial when that Native American approached him Stan lee avengers signature poster

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We love you Pete and know you are our future. Thanks for playing the game and supporting this transition of power for a better future for all of us and most importantly for our children.. Looking forward to the great job youll be doing in the Biden/Harris administration, Pete.. Just saw your clip from Fox News. Still demonstrating you’re one of the smartest, most level-headed people in politics today. So proud to say I supported you in the primaries. Looking forward to the next chance to do it again. Thank you, sir!. I just voted early yesterday here in Arizona.. BLUE up and down the ballot !!!!. Love ya Pete! I still have my Pete 2020 button on my bulletin board! Yes, we shall prevail!. And I hope you run next time!. Can’t wait to vote for you one day Pete!. Germany would love to welcome you as the new Secretary of State. Please bring Chasten, when you come for your official visit Stan lee avengers signature poster

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If Harris and Biden are as good as the Obamas our country is in for a real treat I believe the country will be divided at first as it is right now but I also believe the Biden Harris ticket will put this country together again God bless America again. I cannot believe some are saying she smiles too much! I thought women were supposed to smile all the time! God! We can’t win. Oh wait, though; WE CAN WIN. Go, Kamala! Smirking all the way to the White House!. She is FIERCE. She handled it masterfully. She will be a fabulous VP.. Standing up for your self was not being rude or disrespectful. The rules laid out were not to interrupt your opponent which the vp totally disregarded.. She walked that fine line she should never have been asked to walk with grace, fortitude and intelligence.. Keep it coming Pete! I was all for you in the primaries and now I can see you’re sticking around for the long haul. You’re an invaluable asset to the Biden Harris campaign and we all hope to get another chance to vote for you in a future presidential e…

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If Pence can roll his eyes and shake his heads every time someone else speaks, Kamala Harris is more than welcome to give the smirk and that look. I actually find it quite enjoyable when she does. I thought she was excellent. I was making the same faces. What other face do you make when someone is telling such lies.. Love her smirkand the snarky tone of voice she gets. Go girl. . Shouldered the weight” and prevailed. Dignity and respect cant be beat.. She was excellent! I think he showed his true colors by disrespecting the rules, his opponent, and the moderator. He acted like being a white male places him above others. Before the debate began, I didn’t think I could dislike him more. I was mista… . She held her own with Pence. But Trump is a bully and insults. Biden is a gentleman.. She is brilliant, and I love her smirks!

She was just right. She was composed and ready. Proud of Kamala. Pete, you have a place with the new administration. We need you!!!. It’s the year of the woman! So proud of Kamala.. My big take away is that I am really going to enjoy watching her facial expressions for 4-8 years! So much authenticity! . Great job Kamala! You were poised, knowledgeable and knows how to get her points across. Even though Pence would not shut up. He is following tRumps ridiculous role model.. It makes her authentic . perhaps she would not smirk if pence did not interrupt her countless times! Go Kamala!! She has super-super powers for sure!. I was impressed that her facial expressions remained so calm. That’s some serious skill. She’s our future president in 4 years. It is always the same. Women are held to a higher standard. She was confident and assertive.