Shut the fuck up donny the dude abides 2020 shirt


The smart thing he shouldve done would be, keeping a hand on her waist to not make the situation awkward. Rihanna has NEVER supported Trump. I don’t see the point of people getting defensive, especially when she’s clearly making a joke. Get over yourselves, geez . Shut the fuck up donny the dude abides 2020 shirt. Barbados wouldve been great for your music career. That man is a danger but you are the opposite because I love you so much, have a nice night baby.. . Her dress is secured by a belt.it is not going to fly anywhere! It is obvious that she never wants to touch him, pushes him away, slaps his hands away, never looks his way…sad bunch.. She was holding on to the only important thing THE BAG!!. She used her dress as the excuse and she had a bag in tote.

Shut the fuck up donny the dude abides 2020 shirt

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Rihanna, I think your fans wanted an album, not vandalizing property. Looks like I wont be supporting her music anymore. I love you rihanna but i believe in Donald trump 81days he will continue in making America great again Nothing in this world will stop that not even the left. Im starting lose all respect for musicians and actors. I guess it wont matter until they start losing money when things start to become normal again.. Wow! That’s not art it’s trash that needs to be cleaned up!. That’s far from art! That is vandalism and desecration of property. If you support that you are part of the problem not a solution!. #BoycottCulture I needed more room on my ipod for musicians who dont feel the need to alienate their fans by getting political.. Cadillac Ranch is a place for fun for families…NOT your trash you left behind! Poor choice!! Shut the fuck up donny the dude abides 2020 shirt

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Can someone please get this woman a hair tie . Shes not against him baby actually she’s his number one Ally. She’s just preventing the wind from blowing up her gown !. I would say she’s trying to hold down her dress however once at the bottom of the stairs she still doesn’t acknowledge her own husband. No looking at or attempting to make contact with one another, I wonder why?. She like boy you swear I’m about to touch those hands
Pause GIF. Rihanna, why don’t you focus on your music instead of sharing a video of wind blowing someone’s hair.. I’m sure it happened to many of us girls that we had to hold our dress during a strong wind . She remind me of the part in Stephen King’s IT Chapter 1 where their in the room and looking through pictures lol and he came out with all that hair in his face ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Play GIF

Shut the fuck up donny the dude abides 2020 hoodie

Cadillac Ranch. Ryan Carrier. Love the art, but not a huge fan of the vandalism. Its one to to show up and it be there, it’s another to do it yourself. Your no better then the people who did the initial vandalize. Plus your part of the Elite PedoWood in Hollywood. . ok this is cute and all but where’s the album sis. You’re so brave. How could you ever find the strength to spray paint those words.. If y’all don’t like her opinion go follow your leader to loserville! . dang girll! wish i had the guts to do something like that. I swear i would have an anxiety attact just buying the spray paint!!. Amarillo Texas in da house. It’s actually an art fixture in Amarillo. Their allowed, this isn’t vandalism.. Make art but recycle those cans sis. You painting all things under the sun but I yet to get an album

I just hope ALL those cans were picked up from there . You sure showed him… I agree with the art” s message but Was this necessary ? Spend all of those paint cans and pollute the environment?
I would be ashamed to post this. Am I the only one failing to see the talent in this “art”. As compelling as this profoundly sapient graffiti msg may be…. It’s all, just not art …art is when you create value!As a painter, I definitely distance myself from this but this horror cannot even be called street art!. Another celebrity making a political statement.. How original. And your message just screams maturity and intellect…. Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo Texas. Let me just say…… Don’t be hating on her for the spray cans, over hundreds are left there every single day on the ground. Some people are courteous and pick the cans up and others just drop it on the ground after they’ve got their selfies.