Scuba diving shark everything will kill you so choose something fun canvas prints


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Hisham. Selena is the Sweetest Woman ever!!! Proud to be Blink and Selenator, proud to be a fan of all the girls talented, pretty, kind and smart . Selena Gomez hey someones going to try shave your head. and u gotta donate your hair to make a wig. again. u gonna lead the all women team? into snippets of the snippies scissors . Ilove you selena to the moon, jupiter, mars, saturn, uranus, earth, venus, Mercury, sun and to the mountains and oceans around the world ilove you around Europe, Asia, South America, North America, Africa, Australia i love you to darkness and radiance … . good idea like it alot you look ace this way doing that smart girl S , just wanna say i was in supermarket other nite and they were playing your first big album track that i play alot here but that album is ace especially make the stars dance song , th… See More Scuba diving shark everything will kill you so choose something fun canvas prints

Scuba diving shark everything will kill you so choose something fun canvas prints

Scuba diving shark everything will kill you so choose something fun canvas prints 3

Love you. WOW you look so Beautiful and amizig i love you so much selena you my favorite singer and i love the song i support you . I loved what u all did in this music video. I love that when you sang call me ice cream” . Dhruvi Sopariwala Scuba diving shark everything will kill you so choose something fun canvas prints You look soo cute in song we Indian selenators really loved it We really wish to have your concert in India after this pandemic …. All the best for your future albums and songs…. We loveeeee you soooo much sweetie . Not sure if you can help me with this but I have a daughter who loves puma I have looked everywhere from Target to Walmart Dicks sporting goods academy sports and cannot find puma anywhere I even checked Amazon where can I find puma items for children… . My daughter really likes your songs she is a big fan as well. She lost her acustic gatar in the Malden fire on Monday labor day in Malden WA.

Scuba diving shark everything will kill you so choose something fun canvas prints

Scuba diving shark everything will kill you so choose something fun canvas prints 2

ICE CREAM QUEEN!. I think you and blackpink did an amazing job on ice cream you guys are the ice queens. THANK YOU #SELPINK FOR THE DELILOUS TREAT ICE CREAM. . it feels like you dont care why don’t you understand I’m so rare I love that song so much. I love you unconditionally Sel your music always never disappoint instead you always surprise us with incredible songs. . independent strong queen . I need to see performance together the BlackPink and Selena . Jose Luis Sotelo Jr.. The song is already good. Why watch backstage and spoil it.. listening to holy by Justin Bieber.i think is 200times better than ur ice cream. I was singing issues so well I so wish someone had recorded me but I’ll make one video for you, I love you baby. I love the MUSIC, Every time i heard of it, i’m urge to eat sweets like ice cream

Scuba diving shark everything will kill you so choose something fun canvas prints 1

I love you Selena Gomezi love your Revival tour back in Chicago in 2016. Revival is my favorite after rare
thank u for this beautiful album. I love them all! You can hear the voice and maturity growing in every album! You truly are a rockstar!. I can’t wait New Songs tomorrow you are awesome voice.. One of the best album with stars dance and Rare, 5 years already . Rare is good album but Revival always remains current, good vibes Sel. Revival was your best album sis no cap.. I loved that album, it has some wonderful songs, they really made me feel great.. Yeah i was there at your Vancouver BC show 5 years ago we then met after your show you came to Greet your fans and we Met i I was holding your hand and you wouldn t let it go haha that s when i I knew i I m in …

This is your best album . I have that album. Just haven’t listened to it in a while. . You are my favorite . I still listen to songs from this album on the daily basis. I love this album. Selenator forever . Racy. The best album . There is NO WAY this was 5 years ago! It feels like fucking yesterday when I heard this album for the first time.. The revival era was the most special for me, because that was when I had the opportunity to meet you. Im immensely grateful that u remember the anniversary of this incredible album, which should be called ART. I’M SO EXCITED for the listening party to… . You are a Amazing singer and I love All Of Your Albums!!!. When i listen to your old songs i always feel like it’s a new album . Alex Valencia
I’m so excited and I can’t wait any longer you are the best artist in my world Selena Gomez …
you always exceed your limits you are a super incredible girl