Give a girl the right shoes cowgirl poster


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Men overwhelming make most of the decisions and look at the state of the world. Way to go guys, youre killing it, literally . What else is new?. Judging the book by the cover again?. what else is new?. But they were born from strong women.. “Reaching a critical mass of women in leadership — even as result of intentional selection or quotas — benefits governance processes” This article actually tries to state that putting more women in charge of making incredibly important healthcare dec… . That explains why the decision making process has been so horrible. Jesus. When will CNN stop the alienation & Marxism? Many anarchists reject the need for a transitory state phase. Some thinkers have rejected the fundamentals of Marxist theory such as historical materialism and the labour theory of value and have go… See More. In the bible/Quran.. there was NO female decision makers. You can’t disarrange God’s plans Give a girl the right shoes cowgirl poster

Give a girl the right shoes cowgirl poster

Give a girl the right shoes cowgirl poster 3

Well it makes sense since COVID has killed 10x more men than women.. Fauci looks like someone contemplating prison in that shot.. Wow really so what. Are they the most qualified? I would assume thats the most important thing.. And that there is the problem . They also dominate what a woman should do with her body.. As it should be.. Divide. Divide. Divide. Just stop Give a girl the right shoes cowgirl poster the USA . Ha! Men. Try bearing children. No piece of cake. Women do this AND have jobs! We raise the kids, too. And we do all of it with more grace and commitment and very little thanks” from men. We do all this and still support our “men”. If a man had to go t… . Get a monkey he’d do better analysis and probably be more truthful and unbiased.. In general as well which needs to change. Women it is your time and we need you. Men have made civilization a game board for their egos and cultivated an atmosphere that does not serve the people at large. Woman have the sensitivity and thoughtfulnes… See More

Give a girl the right shoes cowgirl poster

Give a girl the right shoes cowgirl poster 2

When you run around the country without a mask this is what happens. He has been derelict in his duties to protect the country.. When he can’t seem to follow debate rules, make people think he could follow the constitution!. Structure would be great! I think a mutable mic is a great idea!. Isolation booths are the only way they’ll get any order.. Everything in Trumps administration if filled with chaos and he wants the debates to be also. He thinks if the debate is full of chaos, no one will notice he has nothing of substance to say.. Poor Biden innocently exposed to Trump virus now he might have to quarantine too.. The president or the candidate are not the kings and that is what does not want understand anybody in this country!. The only action is if the rules are not followed the “debate” is stopped immediately. He’ll have to debate from isolation now.

Give a girl the right shoes cowgirl poster 1

This is like saying there are too many cat and rat in the Tom & Jerry cartoon series we need more human representation to feel good about ourselves.. Naturally without considering education only a fraction of women can make good decisions as compared to men, its an evolution were women should be up to the task and convince the world what they can offer. and most everything else in the world. Is this a surprise? It is something that is improving and will continue to improve as we push for equal opportunities for women.. If women are in charge we probably be in a better state and never saw a ww1 and 2. So.what’s the big deal…. Does anyone else think Steve Carell would be good to play fauci in the movie.. Maybe there is no qualified woman that have applied for the job…. So, should there be more minorities then, as well? How about just making sure its the best people? Its a Fn pandemic.

Praying Joe and all of his staff are OK!. You dont take covid 19 seriously, then it takes care of you for sure. The moral lesson to this crisis is: Always listen to what the medical experts say about health matters, and be wary about health opinions of politicians.. I hope biden is ok,but trump can drink bleach. If only Trump had not taken a test, he wouldn’t be positive, right? Not sure how you catch a hoax but pretty sure a Lysol inhaler will fix him right up.. Sending prayers to VP Joe Biden his Family and Staff. Trump probably has it at the debate. And lied. Shameful.. I have a feeling we will have a Madam President Pelosi and Madam Vice President Harris come January.. Joe Biden gave it to him!. Another Trump lie so that he doesn’t make a fool of himself at the next debate!. They didn’t shake hands, I didn’t see the President sneeze or cough within 6 feet if Biden. That IS how it’s spread, right?