Busch latte christmas sweater



Maybe you better look at his record and his plans to help the rich cronies at the expense of the people.. AOC for president! Got my vote!. Refuse to Relent, we need an overwhelming turn out!. Got my absentee ballot and I noticed that ballot initiatives arent part of the ballot i got just ppl Harvest those votes or it is back to bartending for you!. Allessandria. Can I use this photo for my photographic fanzine ? I’m collecting photos with people with face masks and also because here in France, we admire you. My fanzine is called Belles Images ” and is based in France.. They believe white is better than anyone else. This is what unites them. They dismiss everything that does not come with this belief. And will affiliate with anything that agrees with this.. Yes! Register to vote! It’s important so we can vote out Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her band of left wing nut job cronies! Busch latte christmas sweater

Busch latte christmas sweater

Busch latte christmas sweater 1

The country is so divided right now it will never heal, as much as I dislike Governor Whitmer I feel bad for her because in the beginning of this pandemic she was the only Democrat taking the pandemic seriously and shut down our state early however she… . The only thing political parties do is divide people! We can do it better by eliminating political parties altogether!. You celebrated Amazon’s plan to open offices in Queens. How the f you recover if there are less jobs and people leaving NYC?????. At first I thought she was just another rabble-rousing Negative. But Ive gradually come to think of her as a believable solution to many of our problems.. Your involved AOC which means I don’t want anything to do with your mental illness.. What a joke you are! Can’t wait for you to be voted out & take your slackers with you!! Busch latte christmas sweater

Busch latte christmas sweater

Busch latte christmas sweater 2

Please hurry up. The world need your votes. Dont lose the opportunity to save the human been.. AOC your going to win. Absolutely No Bucky Beaver in Government.. Wish you the best AOC.. Bye from Quebec city in Canada… Already registered. I’ve been a registered voter since I turned 18 back in 1982. Her good friend… what is the deal with the ballots ? https://youtu.be/5N1KNy1F794
Ilhan Omar I am my brother’s keeper. The US really is doomed, you have to register to vote, which means that the poorest people who work three jobs just to survive, and who would be most vulnerable to Trumps policies, will probably not have the time nor energy to vote . The world is watching, counting on all of you to do what’s right. Go, vote.. VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS ONLY . TRUMP AND PENCE. EVERY SEAT FOR REPUBLICANS!!!!! Ocasio protects people from other countries not Americans. Get her out

Busch latte christmas sweater 3

you go AOC, much . Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez yall need to find a job because this morons political career is OVER. I love you. So much. Your intellect. Your attitude. Your resilience. Your humility. Your red lipstick and dancing. Your humanity.. Mellie Becs .just because she uses a lots of words does not mean she is an intellectual. Roger that, from a Kiwi. Let’s go – globally! Let’s push as a global team. I’m a 45-year-old auntie and I want my niece and nephew to have a beautiful world that they also work for.. Plastic is the major pollutant on this planet and other non recyclable waste. I think we should focus on that. Keeping our air from pollutants and creating biodegradable materials.. Free unlimited, clean energy literally falls from the sky yet here we are, facing possible extinction by century’s end and arguing about the money.. We also need to start planting trees that best fit the soil of the region each one of us is living.

Please consider voting for an American who is Proud of their country and has not become a Millionaire.. Is there a militia in ny plotting to kidnap any elected officials in that state?. AOC making a difference we need 300 of her …lets go for it !!. AOC in four years for sure!. I love her.she is sooo beautiful!WANNA friendly date aoc?. Yes vote against the people not letting you work. Go to restaurants. Put Covid patients back in nursing homes. Want to remove oil and gas production. Defund the police? Are you insane?. Back to a united US pls!. Instead of making stupid comments AOC keep quiet….Oh and it’s Vice a president Spence to you. We Love NY! Make sure to register so we can clean house in January!!. Should I really be using a copper mug or will a Solo cup work just fine?. Why even bother, NY is safe blue