Bigfoot full printing ugly sweatshirt


Supporting An America United. I like Arnold as a professional actor but I do not like him as an unprofessional politician as president. Politics spoils people!. I wish I had the money sir it would be an honor to be able to speak with you.. Much in love with Arnie ,the best actor of this generation with a good heart. When someone says California State, I remember you, Arnie, its so sweet. Arnold 4 president he won’t let them down cause he always comes back . Plain and simple the US needs more than a 2 party system.. Even in Australia we know Larry Hogan is a terrible governor… How about restoring some law and order?. Please help l want to see you film’s but no Money to buy Tv and Ds. Where is lulu and whiskey” awwwwww. Its a pity Arnold can’t run for president. The world needs a «President Schwarzenegger». Your words are action and the world Bigfoot full printing ugly sweatshirt will treat that with respect and honour.

Bigfoot full printing ugly sweatshirt

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Bigfoot full printing ugly sweatshirt Your cloth mask doesn’t protect you. It protects other people from your droplets. Studies show that this is how we get back to work safely. Countries all over the world are proving it works with lower transmission rates as they fully reopen. Just do it… . Thank you for taking this up. I find it crazy in a pandemic such as this we choose to politicize everything instead of coming together.. I feel for you all, we were covid free for 24 days this was work from team of 5 million now we have 7 new cases from people coming on from overseas. We dont need masks at the moment.. it’s a choice to wear it for us. . I’ll be wearing mine when I go next month to visit my son in Long Beach, pray I have a safe trip.. I wear my mask, we all should wear masks.

Bigfoot full printing ugly sweatshirt

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Regardless his is an amazing actor and producer ! Love all his movies. I think you could be the best choice to America right now.. We love you Arnold Schwarzenegger. You have a good heart and spirit.. Unfortunately he can never be President. He was not born in the United States. The constitution would have to be ammended first.. As a matter of fact I wouldnt mind meeting him in person as well. . I just wanted to thank such a great human being, for the help he gave me in the most difficult moment of my life, thank you gonernador. Arnold Shuasusneguer.. Mr.Schwarzenegger is an inspirational human being..Totally in awe of all he has accomplished with his life and continues to do. Ok and more donkey and pony home movies, pleeeeeeease. . Arnold.. Please get the law changed so you can be president.. hope you had a good bday! check out my page guys for the most epic arnold motivation video ever!

Salina Chowdhury. can we all just follow the guidelines from the states or countys, and leave it to the experts”?? for now, till we know more about a NOVEL virus. Im in one of the fastest growing cities in the nation per covid, and unfortunately almost no one is wearing masks. That and bars are open and packed.
The sad reality is that many people are selfish, and it’s getting people killed . I always wear my “we’ll be back” mask when I have a medical appt. Tomorrow is my dentist. I always get a smile and a nice comment when I wear it.. Thank you!!! It really does work. Our . Now we know why Gavin Newsom brought all these past governors together to “consult” on the Covid-19. Obviously this was planned out months ago. Thanks for for the deception Arnold.. Strengthen your immune system without a mask and we all will be healthy and survive. That is how it works.

All 5 governors…” Gray Davis… Gavin…..Moonbeam….. Not a great list so far.. I dont wear a mask because I have asthma and other breathing problems so if I wear one I eventually pass out or have a panic attack due to lack of air. But I do agree. Wear a mask.. No. I refuse. If the state is going to mandate masks, then they need to provide the masks they say are the only ones that work.. Wearing a mask in public is just about respecting you fellow citizens. Trump has made it a political statement. Sad people follow his flawed ways of thinking.. It help a lot in Czech Republic we start quite soon and we hadle it…. …if they only wear it correctly so it does work…cover that nose!. I don’t get why people not doing it. I mean most of us have old people or sick people in family – so easy to find a good reason to help others with little effort–going to the gym is much harder