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Yes would you consider being Secretary of State again. You are a Power house of a Woman. We need you now more than ever.. Oh Hillary- a few hours before the debate you know what was uncovered about your crimes against this president. You have a lot of nerve to talk at all about the debate. You are disqualified!!!!!!. Wish you were the president. How about trying to get rid of the electoral college?.Believe in bigfoot squatching full printing ugly sweatshirt Your power is clearly displayed just by the number of deaths surrounding your personal acquaintances”. True. Yes we must prove our power and vote. I love this interview so much! It was also fantastic to see you and Bill the food you’ve grown from your own garden.. Great interview Madam Secretary!! Its always inspiring to hear you speak. Good to see the Mr. too . This is why we didn’t choose you.. 38000 emails where r they.we have a right to see them

Believe in bigfoot squatching full printing ugly sweatshirt

Believe in bigfoot squatching full printing ugly sweatshirt- pic 1

Joe Biden needs to get off the Train. If Hunter Biden aint got nothing to hide like you think why don’t he get out and campaign with Pop’s?. Looks like a huge massive pressure was lifted off your shoulders?. She’d know all about being an aspiring authoritarian?. I am watching this currently, and at this time he Supposedly has tested positive for the virus”. Yet, Jonathan karl is saying he is “i s talking to reporters” and working” but the media is sympathizing with him. Did he sympathize with any of the famil… . Let’s have a conversation about the children missing from Haiti.. Love Joe but you did a better job with Trump. Would you consider being Sec of State again?. Also, we have to look at the character of Donald Trump he’s down in the ratings. I believe this could be one of his stunts to get sympathetic votes. ProphetessRF Believe in bigfoot squatching full printing ugly sweatshirt- hothot021020

Believe in bigfoot squatching full printing ugly sweatshirt- hothot021020

Believe in bigfoot squatching full printing ugly sweatshirt- pic 2

Above is the clown we all know.. Let bring dignity back to OUR Oval Office. I’m sorry Anthony. Trump has fallen off that stage. He is going the way of the dodo bird. Loved the episode! Two incredible women!. I still believe the presidency was stolen from Hillary, I do respect her a lot and would like to see her as president one day.. I listened to your interview with John Legend and Stacey Abrams yesterday and loved it. It just felt so hopeful and nice to be with intelligent thoughtful. I know shes not smiling because of Trump getting the Coronavirus, but it still seems like a ha, ha. . That is a very beautiful picture of you!. As a podcast host who knows it’s not easy being a host/interviewer, I have to say you are a natural. Loved the first podcast. Keep it going!. So Hillary: Will you be a private contractor at the WH these coming years? Please Hillary, go in there and guide the party and Executive branch like a Quentin Tarantino king pin!!

Loved the first one, look forward to listening to this one too!. Loving listening to your new podcast. So happy to still hear your voice and opinions.. We NEED this balm Women make the best leaders. Thank you so much. #StillWithher. We need more women to push the agenda like she did. We will never have true equality without it! . Love the new podcast. It’s the most at ease I think we’ve ever heard you. What a gift!. Hillary you should come back and run for Presidency again.
You should become the first woman President of USA.. I agree. Most of their insults are lies. Hillary has withstood 30 years of attacks and they are still doing it. When you ask them to explain, they can’t tell you what bad thing she did. . I am thoroughly enjoying your podcasts. Looking forward to listening to your latest tonight.. You and me both, Kimberly. Sometimes I think we’re the only ones. She has so much to offer!

I just listened to your podcast with Kamala Harris and it was insightful and fun to listen to. It was exactly what I needed to hear this week after such an abysmal debate. I look forward to watching her debate with VP Mike Pence next week.. I just finished listening to the episode with Kamala. What a wonderful episode! Cant wait to hear your episode with Gloria Steinem!. I’m so enjoying these!! You are a natural Hilary. Thank you for doing these.. Two articulate, intelligent women having a thoughtful conversation — basically the polar opposite of Tuesday night.. I adore Hilary! You are one Amazing Strong Role Model yourself. Congrats! We love this podcast and your conversation with Kamala was wonderful-looking forward to hearing more!. Amazing so much respect for you I see you as The President Of The People these Past four years have been a bad nightmare and I’m praying so hard for change I’m praying we make that much needed change it’s time to heal and bring the United States