Veteran On Fridays we wear red shirt, hoodie, tank top



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Veteran On Fridays we wear red shirt, hoodie, tank top

Snatch Game is one of those challenges that you know is coming, but it has to be different when you actually get on set. Were you nervous? Take me back to what was going through your mind sitting there at that panel.

When you’re on Drag Race in general, it is absolutely impossible not to compare yourself with the other girls. And so, especially with a challenge like Snatch Game, you are just sitting there thinking, “Oh, Ru giggled at this person. Now I have to make him not only giggle, but I need to make them laugh.” And so it’s so stressful trying to think of responses in real time, right then and there on the spot, to make him laugh because you try to prepare, but then in the moment, it’s raw and organic. It’s one of those things where it’s nearly impossible to actually prepare for it because you can have all the material prepared and lined up, but if none of those [ideas] come into a response, then you have nothing.

I noticed a lot of the girls using props. You had the makeup brush and mirror, but do you wish you had used more props?

It’s so difficult to have props for someone like Blanche because her prop was her body. I wanted to have a cheesecake, but because of COVID-19, I couldn’t really have brought one.

Do you think sitting next to Utica hurt or helped your performance? Veteran On Fridays we wear red shirt, hoodie, tank top

I was trying to play it up with Utica. Her character was a man, so I was trying to, like, sex up Bob Ross. What I remember specifically was anytime Bob Ross was doing a response I would try to respond to what Bob Ross was saying.

You’re known as the dancing queen. Were you surprised when Utica started pulling out all those moves once you had to lip-sync against her?

It was funny because when you lip-sync, you kind of blackout, but in this specific lip-sync I would just catch flashes of Utica flying over this way and rolling over this way. She was everywhere. And for me personally, during that lip-sync, I started to kind of feel my body give out.


My energy and my spirit and everything had been depleted at that point in the competition because it’s so strenuous emotionally and physically. I just kind of — I don’t want to say I got to a breaking point, but I am a dancer and I am a performer, so I kind of was depleted. So my body, I guess, just said girl, you’re done. It was really bizarre. Drag Race takes its toll on you emotionally. And being able to talk about my depression was a really big deal for me. I was so fortunate to be on the show for so long, but on the flip side of that, I was on the show for so long.




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