Pitbull USA Our Flag Does not Fly Because The Wind Moves It Shirt, hoodie, tank top


Pitbull USA Our Flag Does not Fly Because The Wind Moves It Shirt

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Pitbull USA Our Flag Does not Fly Because The Wind Moves It Shirt, hoodie, tank top

fashionable then.

The good news for us comes from mid-century fashion. In the 1950s the decorated machines with their curved castings were seen as ugly and outdated, and customers demanded clean lines with modern hues. Thus the manufacturers took the machines they had been making for decades and reclad them in more angular bodies painted with contemporary colours. Fashion is a funny thing, because these dull brown and green sewing machines are now unwanted and unloved, despite being mechanically identical to their curved and decorated predecessors. This is good news because it means their worth is much less, and persistence may well net you one for something close to beer money.

These 1950s and early 1960s machines are built to an extremely high standard, and will sew anything you can throw at them. They’ll probably outlast almost everything else you own. You do need to summon your inner weightlifter to heft one, and they don’t lend themselves to easy shipping. If you can do without any fancy stitches they represent something of a sweet spot, and we’d recommend them as a good place to start if you can get your hands on one.

Have you changed your mind about textile work reading this article, and are you about to scour your parents loft for your grandmother’s forgotten sewing machine? On a hardware hacker’s bench a sewing machine is just another machine tool, and it’s probably one you can’t afford to be without.

Header image: US patent US2430932A.


Pitbull USA Our Flag Does not Fly Because The Wind Moves It Shirt, hoodie, tank top
see more: https://beutee.net/product/pitbull-usa-our-flag/
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