One Nation Under Fraud Shirt, hoodie


One Nation Under Fraud Shirt

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Please, please, please, if you have access to a DVD burner, buy blank DVDs (you can get them for as little as 25 cents apiece) and burn the hell out of this film. In the past month I have passed out probably close to a hundred of these. I’ve mailed them to friends and family across the country, passed them out at protest rallies, given them to doubting Republicans, coworkers, people in line at the grocery store, etc. I always keep a spindle of ten or so on me at all times, you never know when you’ll run into a receptive individual that you can pass one off to. Hold screenings at your local library and have some copies to pass out there – hell even if only five or ten people show up, that’s five or ten more people who will have access to some weighty evidence on 9-11. This is really a word-of-mouth person-to-person effort. Let it begin with you…

COMMENT #453 [Permalink]… Truth Seeker said on 5/20/2006 @ 2:13 pm PT…

COMMENT #454 [Permalink]… Plunger said on 5/20/2006 @ 2:28 pm PT…


No more trying to put a square peg in a round hole.

It WAS IN FACT an A-3 Skywarrior.

Now move forward to investigate how it is that Raytheon has accounted for this loss in its aircraft inventory, and who painted it to look like an AA civilian aircraft.

“And when it got down to, ‘The plane is 10 miles out,'” Mineta continued, “the young man also said to the Vice President, ‘Do the orders still stand?’ And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, ‘Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?'”

COMMENT #455 [Permalink]… Mary4 said on 5/20/2006 @ 2:38 pm PT…

#455 Thus was the coup successfully executed.

COMMENT #456 [Permalink]… Roger said on 5/20/2006 @ 3:26 pm PT…

Loose Change 2 has convinced me more than ever that this administration is THE most criminal ever!(I knew it before but this is a POWERFUL indictment.) Yeah, we gotta do something about them and soon. But what? Are ANY politicians going to stand up against this awesome power that they wield? People are going to think any violence will need to be crushed and there are too many that will blindly follow. What are we going to do? If ever there was a time for the second coming, it’s now!

COMMENT #457 [Permalink]… Roger said on 5/20/2006 @ 3:28 pm PT…

Loose Change 2 has convinced me more than ever that this administration is THE most criminal ever!(I knew it before but this is a POWERFUL indictment.) Yeah, we gotta do something about them and soon. But what? Are ANY politicians going to stand up against this awesome power that they wield? People are going to think any violence will need to be crushed and there are too many that will blindly follow. What are we going to do? If ever there was a time for the second coming, it’s now!

COMMENT #458 [Permalink]… Agent86 said on 5/20/2006 @ 3:48 pm PT…

Plunger: Do to the engine fan hub thingies on the A-3 resemble the one found in the rubble? 99 thinks it was the single engine fighter that has a tail fin that so resembles the one in the videos. I think it was a cruise missile in airplane drag. These ops are clever that way.

(Bluebear2: Had to lock 99 in the other room till she calms down.)

COMMENT #459 [Permalink]… Plunger said on 5/20/2006 @ 4:10 pm PT…

Not certain with respect to the engines, though I read that the Skywarrior was/is capable of carrying multiple engine types.

I’m not just surmising it was an A-3 Skywarrior…It WAS an A-3

COMMENT #460 [Permalink]… Agent86 said on 5/20/2006 @ 5:07 pm PT…

99 wants to know if you programmed it, Plunger, or if she missed a crucial bit of evidence. She went to your link and was almost convinced, but thinks the tail fin is wrong… Plus too many engines. Can’t let her out yet because she will blast the old machine and half the house if I do. Thinking of feeding her powderized chill pills in her dinner, but have to wait for the guards to arrive so we can open the door. By Monday, we should all be safe again, when she can get to a cable connection on a Mac. She’s in there threatening Bill Gates with exploding envelopes now too.



One Nation Under Fraud Shirt, hoodie
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