Native American Bru Shirt, hoodie, tank top


Native American Bru Shirt

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Native American Bru Shirt, hoodie, tank top

Because today, today you have the TSA issuing guidelines that say you still have to wear a mask on public transportation or airplanes. You have new restrictions on travel from India where bodies are piling up. So, it seems to me that wearing mask just encourages us all as Americans and again a patriotic gesture to look out for each other. We are winning this war against this virus, but the fight isn’t finished. And let’s not stumble at the finish line.

PAVLICH: So, Greg, I think I have some good news or maybe bad news.

Yesterday I said that the state of the union looked very weak because it was so empty. And we could have projected strength and just looked really pathetic with people ignoring the science on this. And today the Washington Post agrees with me. That it looks very weak.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. You know what else was weak? Was that stupid CBS poll that Juan brought up yesterday. What was it, it’s completely discredited? That they were actually polling all Democrats, i.E., speech watchers. So, I think we need to run all of Juan’s polls through like an accuracy meter before we do it on The Five. Because that was nuts.

Anyway, the reason why Joe panicked when he lost his mask, is because when he does lose his mask, he realizes he’s actually AOC. So that’s the real problem. I want him to keep wearing the mask because it keeps him from sniffing people’s hair. But I will agree with you —

PAVLICH: It’s true.

GUTFELD: There is a thing — and I’ve said this before. When you decide to go maskless and somehow, you’re less of an American, this is again the pattern that you see among Democrats, where they don’t criticize individuals, right? They always have to nail large groups. It’s a dog whistle about a certain segment of society, these, you know, rubes and red necks, you know, the Republicans you won’t get vaccines. They’re the extreme right. White supremacists.


Native American Bru Shirt, hoodie, tank top
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