Machinist I Don’t Have A Problem With Anger I Have A Problem With Idiots Shirt, hoodie


Machinist I Don't Have A Problem With Anger I Have A Problem With Idiots Shirt

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Machinist I Don’t Have A Problem With Anger I Have A Problem With Idiots Shirt, hoodie

If the pandemic and recent presidential election haven’t done anything else, they’ve provided a lesson regarding how much ammo you need to keep on hand. A year ago, we trusted gun shops, sporting goods stores, and online retailers to serve as our ammunition warehouses. It only took a few months for that to change. With gun sales off the charts and fears of anti-gun legislation, ammunition became harder to find than it has in decades.

A year into this debacle, ammo hoarding seems like a good idea because we realize we’ve become too dependent on retail to take care of us. This is something our grandparents—at least here in the hills—never let happen to themselves. I once spent a summer pulling, straitening, and sorting nails that came from an old house my grandfather tore down. And my grandmother spent her summers in the garden, and her early fall canning fruits and vegetables.

I don’t know if you can have too much ammo, but you can damn sure not have enough. The initial purchase will set you back, but you can break it up over a couple years to soften the blow. Once you have it on hand, you’ll be just like my hillbilly grandparents—you’ll never need a nail you don’t have, and each year you’ll eat what you canned the year before while adding to the stock. Here’s a guide to buying and storing ammo in bulk.

How Long Does Ammunition Last in Storage? 

Most manufacturers will tell you ammunition has at least a 10-year shelf life. The truth is that with proper storage, it will last a lot longer than that. The key to storing ammunition is to keep it away from high humidity in a temperature-controlled location. Humidity can cause corrosion of the brass cases and cooper projectiles—so much so that cartridges may not chamber or extract after being fired. If you live in an area where the average humidity is above 50 percent, you need to solve this problem by using a dehumidifier or finding another way to absorb moisture.


Machinist I Don’t Have A Problem With Anger I Have A Problem With Idiots Shirt, hoodie
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