I Don’t Call It Getting Old I Call It Outliving The Warranty Shirt, hoodie, tank top


I Don't Call It Getting Old I Call It Outliving The Warranty Shirt

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I Don’t Call It Getting Old I Call It Outliving The Warranty Shirt, hoodie, tank top

I learned a lot reading it…. Iraq a bit later

COMMENT #148 [Permalink]… Savantster said on 10/15/2005 @ 4:33 pm PT…

“When a couple comes in to get their taxes prepared and they are lying and saying they are married in order for the mother to file single/HOH in order to take advantage of the EIC (Earned Income Credit) and walks out with 6,000.00 refunds (which is literally almost 50% of what her W2 reads for gross wages in total) I get a little put off. In addition, we are allowed to “ask” but cannot press to make sure they are being honest.”

Lemme get this straight.. So, 6k in refunds.. Their total wages were 12k for the year.. And you make, what? $120,000 or MORE, PLUS perks? See, I have MORE problem with YOU getting breaks on your gas when you don’t need it than I do no those people cheating EIC when they need that money to LIVE.. They aren’t “prospering”, which is what Repubs like to try and imply. I’ve -lived- in poverty.. I’ve -lived- in the streets for 2 years.. -I KNOW- what a load of crap 12k is in today’s society.. I’m pretty sure you piss away that much in perks from your company.. And YOU get to write it all off.. Get it?

“Quickly on your voting fraud theories. It seems that you use the term “flawed”. DO you think that flawed equals fraud? Or do you think the flaws are used at the Republican’s advantage, and if so, why haven’t the Democrats adopted the philosophy of “if you can’t beat em, join em”, assuming they have been 100% corruption free when it comes to corruption (I doubt it LOL). Just for speculation though. Also, how do you think that votes should be cast in order to make yoou happy and secure.”

Well, not sure what you are talking about with “flaw” versus “fraud”.. When I said “your logic was flawed” was to show that the conclusion you came to was absolutely INcorrect. NOT likely. And based on BAD thinking.. Then I showed you “why”.. And that was just “one” example.

How do -I- think votes should be cast? In person. On paper (or machines that print out a paper copy, or 2, one for you with a serial number on it, and one for the auditors, with a matching serial). Do away with “remote” voting, that’s bullshit. If you’re in the military and over seas, SET UP A POLLING STATION there, JUST like here.. Then you don’t have “dead people voting”.. Want to help make sure you don’t “double vote” (not that it’s anywhere near as serious a problem as election fraud)? Stamp people’s hands with a semi-permanant ink.. Or dye.. Or what haveyou. Then the “average joe” won’t be cheating, only the parties with the resources to find ways to remove the dye (or, hell, take a pill with a tracer compound.. You light up on scans and takes 24 hours to break down.. Or longer.. Or whatever). Though, I -seriously- doubt all the ranting from the right about “dead people voting” is an issue.


I Don’t Call It Getting Old I Call It Outliving The Warranty Shirt, hoodie, tank top
see more: https://beutee.net/product/i-dont-call-it-getting-old/
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