Ferret I Tried To Be Normal Once Worst Two Minutes of My Life Shirt, hoodie, tank top


Ferret I Tried To Be Normal Once Worst Two Minutes of My Life Shirt

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Ferret I Tried To Be Normal Once Worst Two Minutes of My Life Shirt, hoodie, tank top

It sounds like The Simpsons though.

I said it jokingly, but I still think I have a point. With #StopAAPIHate you have an acronym, you’ve got to stop and explain what the acronym is, kind of detracts from the conversation. “What’s AAPI? Asian American Pacific Islander.” Then the conversation becomes, “Where are the Pacific Islands? I don’t know what that is, are they considered Asian? Oh, so only Asian Americans are getting hated on? What about Asians from Asia? What about Asians in Europe?” The conversation gets sidetracked. #StopAsianHate is very clear and catchy.

Ways to Help End Violence Against Asian Americans

Can you see why #YellowLivesMatter would be a problem?

Yes, I can see why. [Sighs] You don’t want to be co-opting #BlackLivesMatter, covering up their voices. Again #YellowLivesMatter was a joke, don’t listen to me for policy advice.

[Pause] It’s worth triggering some people if it’s funny. Getting them mad adds an extra layer to it.

I’m too much of a comic. [Groans] But it’s funny though! #YellowLivesMatter itself is funny. Calling us yellow is funny.

It’s absurd to me. Why are you angry at me for not wanting to get punched? I’m just using this slogan before something better like #StopAsianHate comes along.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

People are probably recalling the propaganda surrounding Yellow Peril.

‘Yellow Peril’ describes the racist and cultural stereotypes that followed Chinese workers when they immigrated to the West (Australia, Canada, U.S, New Zealand), where their willingness to work for lower wages and work ethic provoked backlash from the local white communities.


Ferret I Tried To Be Normal Once Worst Two Minutes of My Life Shirt, hoodie, tank top

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