Electrician The Hardest Part Of My Job Is Being Nice To People Who Think They Know How To Do My Job Better Than I Do Shirt, hoodie


Electrician The Hardest Part Of My Job Is Being Nice To People Who Think They Know How To Do My Job Better Than I Do Shirt

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Electrician The Hardest Part Of My Job Is Being Nice To People Who Think They Know How To Do My Job Better Than I Do Shirt, hoodie

Stage 2 is bone production, which begins when the clotted blood formed by inflammation is replaced with fibrous tissue and cartilage, which later grows into hard bone. Bone remodelling is the final phase of bone healing. This goes on for several months.

The bone continues to form and becomes compact, returning to its original shape. In addition, blood circulation in the area improves. Once adequate bone healing has occurred, weight-bearing (such as standing or walking) encourages bone remodelling.

The second truth is that loss and grief – like fractured bones – heal in stages. You’ve got to give it time. First, it hurts like hell, but the bleeding is necessary to create the conditions necessary for rebirth. Then regeneration. This means starting from scratch. This is when you need to be most productive. You’ve been sent back to square one and you have a lot of catching up to do. You need to get back in the saddle and ride faster than ever.

Finally, remodelling. After going through rebirth and taking the lessons you have learnt from your loss, you can now reinvent yourself. You are a new creation, so you can be whoever you want to be.

But just as a healing bone needs a cast to ensure it heals straight, you must always create a structure of rules and rigor to ensure you stay disciplined and stick to the new plan. This is crucial if you want to heal correctly and not turn out crooked.

I guess today’s message is quite simple really. We all take a hit every now and then. We all suffer setbacks and breaks, but each break is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves, and as long as we make it through the painful but necessary steps, we will always come out good as new, if not better.

My name is Kojo Yankson, and however broken you may be, time and endurance heals all things.



Electrician The Hardest Part Of My Job Is Being Nice To People Who Think They Know How To Do My Job Better Than I Do Shirt, hoodie
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