Chicken I Was Like Here Chicky Chickies Shirt, hoodie, tank top


Chicken I Was Like Here Chicky Chickies Shirt

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Chicken I Was Like Here Chicky Chickies Shirt, hoodie, tank top

as a diverse attribute (although as a left-handed person myself, I will say it can be quite hard out there for us). But there were questions and passing comments that deflected from the issue of diversity, and these kinds of questions aren’t just limited to the world of publishing. They’re everywhere.

I hope this passage makes you think about what an inclusive workplace and a meaningful conversation about diversity should actually look like. And I hope you enjoy it!

Vera was right. There was something in the water at Wagner. But Vera had had a hand in that. She and pretty much all of the higher-ups at Wagner who earned livable incomes—they were all messing with the water, making it difficult and sometimes impossible for smaller fish like Nella to survive. Lurking beneath many of the friendly seeming meetings was an environment of pettiness and power plays; cold shoulders and closed-door conversations.

The most fascinating part was that they all thought everyone else was crazy. At least, that’s what Yang, the girl who’d been assisting Maisy when Nella had first started at Wagner, had intimated to her. Yang had taken on the noble task of not only training her on editorial procedures, but also giving her the scoop about all of her new coworkers—whom to watch out for at holiday parties, whom to avoid in the elevator, whom to get coffee with. All the important intel. Yang had been an incredibly helpful guide, and as a first-generation Chinese American, she’d also been the only other POC Nella had ever gotten to work with at Wagner. Together, they made cracks about how hard it must be for everyone to tell them apart and rolled their eyes at the higher-ups constantly walking outsiders through their side of the office—purposely, they half-joked, to showcase the company’s diversity.


Chicken I Was Like Here Chicky Chickies Shirt, hoodie, tank top
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