Baseball mom to my son poster


You two look fabulous! Your father did an excellent job tonight, even having to debate against two. He will be our president again! Trump 2020!. Take care of your father. We all need him! Baseball mom to my son poster Excellent offense tonight. Had to turn out the way it did. The Media and Wallace wont allow a civil debate.. Proud of our president, however his delivery needs to be less combativehe has all the facts on his side, he needs to take advantage of this! Sleepy Joe will sink himself…we all know this! Keep up the good work Mr. President…and I love how you … . We love the things your dad is doing but please tell him to Rise Above This rhetoric. Be presidential. Great picture! Tell your dad to get some rest. I’ve never seen someone attacked so much. It’s sad how the dems act. Such sore losers.. Hold your ground, but don’t stoop to their level! I’ve heard NOTHING good about tonight’s debate and that’s a major problem!

Baseball mom to my son poster

Baseball mom to my son poster A1

Damon McLaughlin. YOU did VERY well MR PRESIDENT YOU showed strength and courage mean WHAT you say and say WHAT you mean. thats why I voted for you. furthermore THE transition OF THE President elect WAS hostile and JOE AND Barry led the way. CONTINUE to tell the world … . Lukas Ham. Please thank your dad for asking the questions of Biden that should have been asked all along!. Proud of your daddy today! He’s an excellent president!. We love you President Trump! Your children are ALL a reflection of a great father’s investment of his time! Congratulations on being an example of a job well done!. Thank your Dad for saving MY country. He fights as hard as me and my Marine brothers did when our number was called!!!. Love it , you are a fabulous and devoted daughter to the greatest president in history ! Baseball mom to my son poster

Baseball mom to my son poster

Baseball mom to my son poster A2

You beat two people tonight Wallace and Biden.. Great Going Ivanka. Wishing you all the best in all your endeavours.. The President needs to practice his delivery. He has the facts but needs to deliver his arguments in a cohesive organized manner. Debates are tight and much different than rallies. #Trump2020 . So full of energy always god bless him. Your dad needs to Stay strong . It was like a lion and a kitten debate. Guess who was kitten. Great pic! You two are a great father & daughter duo! I’m proud of our country because of you!. Ivanka, tell your Dad we are behind him and let Joe stumble over himself. Mr. President don’t bend to the petty crap, the left want you to get unhinged. Keep calm, state the facts. All Joe can do is through headlines, accusations and guidance from the … . Your dad is awesome! No matter what is said about him, he truly has America and Americans first in his heart.

Baseball mom to my son poster A3

Great picture. Looking forward to another great 4 years with you Sir.. Rock on! The President missed a couple of chances to let Biden screw up. Might want to look at that in review. Just an observation.. I can’t wait until you guys are out of my house. Nice job tonighteven though you were outnumbered..hard to make a point when the moderator has an agenda. TRUMP.2020. I love you and your dad! But please ask him to dial back the interruptions and just stick to the facts. Stay calm and don’t let the moderator goat you into becoming so aggressive! As much as my family loves Donald Trump, we all agreed it was hard to wa… . Anyone who says that they love this Country, but supports this man and his family, something is terrible wrong. We lost all the decency , humanity,respect and honor !! God help us!!

Everyone is mad at Chris Wallace. He should never be allowed to moderate another debate. You were great as usual President Trump!. I know you feel you need to defend 47 months of attacks by the swamp. Next debate push them aside and speak to us instead of Sleepy Joe. Tell those that are on the fence and discouraged by the dems why you want them to vote for you. Thanks to you an… . Thank you all for the sacrifices that you make and the abuse that you take to simply try to help our country. There are hard working people who really appreciate your family.. Thank you for supporting your dad. Take a day off! He is so besieged. But We love him.. Thank goodness he has a loving family. What he has to endure day after day is unbelievable…..and for free! Hitler didnt call the Scottish soldiers the ‘Ladies from Hell’ for nothing. His mother would be so proud of his indomitable spirit.