Witch Halloween Don’t make me get my flying monkey face mask


Witch Halloween Don't make me get my flying monkey face mask

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Its yet to seen if the Sweden vs Norway thing is a “pay now or pay later” type of thing. Hopefully the summer months will make things drop but come Fall…. Does the virus act as a CO43 or HKU1 type flu? If its the skip a year version then Sweden will be lower than Norway next Fall. If the antibodies this causes are the other then the process starts again for both. Tom Isaacs the real risk to the Sweden model is the impact on the health care capacity and the deaths that could have been treated with newly discovered meds, etc. Jen Stewart I haven’t heard that there capacity was overwhelmed. You are correct about learning new techniques might have saved some lives. Another piece of the equation is the flu types I was talking about. This is the “off year” of one of the 2 major flu strains (im not sure if the pattern is just in the US). The cases of that type is generally much much higher in the “on” year (this coming fall). Could be that COVID-19 and that one getting on the same cycle is very bad. It is something to worry about on one side we have Biden and um no he’s not president material I know what there trying to do with him I said it soon as he was elected the scary part is you don’t know what’s in America’s future with that If he wins  then other side you have Trump I use to pull for him would have backed him no matter what but I’m changing my thoughts on him a little yes he’s great in economy and business but somethings he says and does got me like  nothing being said about healthcare that’s a big issue for me I don’t want to vote for either of them that’s our choices of the 2 but if it came down to it yea I would vote trump cause a life the dems wants us to have not a life for me I just want 2020 be over with.