Pikachu Pokémon Ugly Christmas Sweater



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Doesn’t matter where he is from, the American people have been shafted. If this election is accepted there will be no reason to ever have another. It was rigged pure & simple. One America News Network, also known as One America News, is a far-right, pro-Donald Trump cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.

  • Every single American voter was disenfranchised by this activity, including those who voted for Biden. Machines were programmed to “weight” votes differently, non residents voted, dead people voted, phantom votes appeared in the night, votes were found uncounted for BOTH candidates. Yes, I voted for Trump.
  • No I don’t believe Biden won anything. But what worries me most is the censorship and suppression of what is REALLY going on by the media, and the sheep who believe it. I don’t understand that mentality! Investigate, do your own research and decide for yourself – being spoon fed is easy, but you have no idea what they’re feeding you!
  • seriously? Are you watching CNN? They are litterally in court presenting evidence and the circuit courts are hearing it. Find a real news station. They have been giving testimonials from both rebuplican and democrats who witnessed the fraud during election night. Both parties have true patriots testifying under penetaly of perjury!

Biden even underproduced more than even Hillary Clinton in the swing state cities. This was a cyber election scam and they used Dominion, and fraud ballots…IF YOU THINK JOE BIDEN GOT 15 MILLION MORE VOTES THAN OBAMA THEN YOUR SMOKING CRACK

. Trump was the only one strong and wise enough to stand against everything the left has thrown against him for over 4 years. God is in control . He knows what he is doing. He didn’t choose Trump because he is perfect. He chose him because he was and is the right man for the job. Trump 2020!!!

agreed! Me and my husband had that conversation this morning, if our President gives in to this then we are doomed, we will never be able to get the chance to be back in because they will continue to cheat! They need to be held accountable

Pikachu Pokémon Ugly Christmas Sweater