Nurse Marvel Superheroes And That’s How I Saved The World shirt, tank top, hoodie
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Cgi fest with such quick cuts in succession you cannot tell one scene from the other. They also are very safe by not trying to portray themes that would be deemed too mature. There’s a reason Scorcese liked The Joker. Drop marvels budget and raise the rating and you’d see the mcu for its true potential. Lost me at “if Francis Ford Coppola’s Godfather was more formative for you than Richard Donner’s Superman.” Yes, it was. So much more that it makes the effort of finishing the article too painful.
I love Marvel movies a lot. I love Martin Scorsese’s films a lot. I just don’t think we need to disrespect anyone’s movies. Both Scorsese and Marvel movies have cultural significance and fans. Just respect and love movies Except the marvel movies do none of these things. They don’t deserve to be anywhere near that conversation. I know you don’t have to agree with what he says, but that’s no reason to go around spreading this blasphemy