I Stand With President Trump Mug



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And kamalas family owned slaves , according to the lib playbook, she should be disqualified just for that reason and Biden should be disqualified for his racist comments but once again, racism never applies to any democrat, even when they’re blatantly racist.

  • Open the schools.Theres alot of kids that are hurting.One thing that the scientists aren’t talking about is the Weight the Kids are gaining from being locked up and not being able to go outside. Poor families amd children suffering from isolation and job loss because of these Hitler’s. Look at the suicide rate since the liberal lockdown.
  • Voter fraud is taken seriously in this country by patriotic Americans, but it’s not only voter fraud that has taken place! The American people have witnessed a coup and a suppression of individual rights as well, all under the guise of a pandemic. This is all being orchestrated by the Democrat party, the deep state, the media and foreign governments.
  • We must take back our country now! Invoke the Insurrection Act, invoke martial law, and suspend Habeas Corpus as President’s Lincoln and Roosevelt did. Otherwise, we will see the end of our constitutional republic in our lifetime. We have an obligation to our founders and our descendants.

Trump will go down in history as the worst President in the history of the United States. A worn out reality TV show host should never have been President of the United States. Morally and intellectually he was not up to the job. Good riddance! and who is the best President ? Biden ? For almost 50 yrs in office name 1 his great achievement , funded the killing machine of abortion while you tag President Trump who considered preserving the lives of innocent babies as the worst President how dare you.

Is that all you got? You know that is fake news (not to mention it is only a meme which has no correlation to any truth or meaning to what’s really going on don’t you? It is designed to destroy your image of President Trump! You have been duped! It is a damnable shame that the Democrats and mainstream media have been so insurgent and have never been held accountable for their reckless and irresponsible behavior. All the while, they have the audacity to blame President Trump!

I Stand With President Trump Mug