Atlanta braves face mask


Atlanta braves face mask

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China is here? I don’t even know what the hell that means, all I know is this Lo Pan character comes out of thin air, with his buddies flying around on wires cutting everyone to shreds and I’m just supposed to stand there with light coming out of his mouth? very smart to do that I agree, but thats not what the stimulus is for. It is supposed to go back into the economy to keep the economy surviving. Like I said I agree with you because the future in this pandmic no one knows when their time they might get it and when they will need it the most! I had a dream of an apocalyptic world a couple of years ago. I also kept feeling death all around me. And since I believe in God, I took it to mean something. Even if I wasn’t sure what exactly. Being a bit of a hoarder who used to live in a hurricane zone, I stay prepared. Which is why I was stocked up on supplies and financially prepared long before the pandemic. Hubby is essential personnel. But even if he lost his job, we’re good for at least a year. Possibly longer. Adrienne D. Wimbush I live in a hurricane area too in Corpus Christi, Tx we dodged Hanna thank God. So i get you 200% about stocking up on goods.i had a weird dream before all this happen too. So God does things to prepare people who are willing to listen to him! I made a good living and was excluded from the last help: however my business went down 75% and I pay for my kids college and our bills: hope they look at this. Tired of seeing people take advantage of the unemployment and not working. I don’t begrudge them at all. I am speaking of those taking advantage. I have talked to many whose employees won’t work bc they make more on unemployment. When the extra money is stopped they will be crying for their jobs back.