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achieve 2.5 billion by 2050 and continueproceed growingrising to 4four.5 billion by 2100. GrowthProgressDevelopment Projections for Africa: 2050 and Beyond30. TableDesk 2. Africa’s Secondary EducationSchoolingTraining GapHole.
In Rwanda, a vigorous state-led campaignmarketing marketing campaign to promoteto advertise contraception and legalauthorized limits on teenage marriage have had roughly the samethe equivalent effectimpact as Kenya’s greaterhigherlargerbetter progress on femalefeminine educationschoolingtraining. Demographer Joel Cohen has forcefully made the case for the effectsthe consequencesthe results of secondary educationschoolingtraining in highexcessive fertility societies. The benefitsThe advantages of largerbigger familieshouseholds,
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