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Similarly in Iraq, given the controversy surrounding DU use, the United Kingdom and US governments are reluctant to investigate reports of war related health impacts. The importance of the US in the Iraq-US relationship is widely thought to impact the willingness of the Iraqi government to address the issue. A case in point is that it took until 2010 to prepare a pilot assessment of birth defects in Iraqi governorates, the full results of which are yet to be published at the time of writing. In the case of Iraq, UNEP and the MoE have worked to assess and clean-up conflict pollution (see section 7.1). However no epidemiological work assessing the health impacts of conflict pollution have been undertaken. There have been political difficulties around the gathering and presentation of health data on birth defects. This is largely to do with the lack of health registries, Amazing gucci with tiger logo bedding set the complexity of post-conflict health monitoring and political opposition to data gathering . As has been shown in this report, a weak legal system, the poor regard for environmental best practice by militaries, the huge discrepancies between affected state capacity and TRW problems, mean that the majority of TRW incidents are left unresolved. This is of great concern for civilians living in war zones. 2. Reports are emerging from post-conflict zones of public health problems. Iraqi paediatrician and researcher Dr Samira Alaani has been treating and documenting increasing numbers of Iraqi newborns with congenital birth defects in Fallujah. It is thought that the increased rates are linked to exposure to environmental risk factors. Past experience of managing the environmental emergency Kuwait faced after the Gulf War proved invaluable in designing 2003’s contingency plans. Kuwait also benefited from being an oil rich nation that was not experiencing internal instability.

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