The White House Washington 20th January 2021 Joe you know I won mug


Thanks Obama for being so graceful and gracious since your time as President. It’s unfortunate that the orange guy couldn’t be like you in this regard.. You stood against all types of disparities and discriminations. Your legacy will be taught for generations.. RBG always said that her dissent in the Lilly Ledbetter case was one of the dissents she was most proud of. She did a lot of good for women and will never be forgotten. RIP. President Obama was a great man, no one will ever come close to his stature. Women all over the world thank you for signing that into law.. Thank you for your amazing and never-ending responses and actions to address the disparity in our nation with regard to gender as well as race. You set the bar high! We pray that president Biden will have the courage and the stamina to follow suit.. My wifes pay went up $2/Hr when you passed this!!! Which basically matched what men were being paid for the same position, Thank You! The White House Washington 20th January 2021 Joe you know I won mug

The White House Washington 20th January 2021 Joe you know I won mug

The White House Washington 20th January 2021 Joe you know I won mug - Picture 1

We owe so much to her for bringing forth the pay discrimination. For myself and my daughters, and all women, this legislation is so important. Thank you to all involved for making the Ledbetter Act happen! . You did a great and important thing to highlight the achievement of this worker who risked everything for the sake of justice and for others.. I saw Lilly speak at a nearby university a few years ago – she is an inspiration and a champion for equal pay!. Thank You for that President Obama. Your legacy will be taught for generations going forward because of acts like this . “No human is lesser than the other!”. Joe Biden had a great person Barack Obama with him to learn from so he could bring decency and values back to the White House and harmony and dignity back to nation.. Your my president..still after all these years! The White House Washington 20th January 2021 Joe you know I won mug

Cool The White House Washington 20th January 2021 Joe you know I won mug

The White House Washington 20th January 2021 Joe you know I won mug - Picture 2The White House Washington 20th January 2021 Joe you know I won mug - Picture 3

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