Softball god says you are poster


The most important confrontation in baseball is between the pitcher on the defensive team, and the pitcher on the attacking side. The pitcher throws the ball towards home, where a catcher is available waiting to catch the ball. Standing at the back of the catcher is an umpire, the umpire can decide whether a pitch is a violation or if the catcher is involved. The player on the offensive team will stand in the right or left hand of the catcher, trying to hit the ball thrown from theitcher. The position where the pitcher stands throwing the ball is called a “mound”, in the middle there is a rubber buffer (61x14cm). Pitcher is only allowed to step back or 1 step during the throw. The task of the catcher is not only to catch the ball missed or not beat, but also to signal to the pitcher by using cues in the direction of the handball and how to throw the ball. Pitcher will agree by nodding, otherwise he can shake his head to reject the catcher’s request. The task of the catcher will be heavier when the situation on the field is complicated and must coordinate well with the pitcher.
Every half of the game (round), the goal of the defending team is to eliminate any 3 players of the attacking team. A disqualified player will have to leave the pitch and wait for his next stroke. There are many ways to eliminate a batter or a golfer; the most common is the defending player trying to catch the ball as long as it is still flying and not touching the ground (after being struck), or the baseman receives the ball and touches the player who is running to take the goal, or the serve makes the player miss the ball 3 times. If the pitcher fails (4 times), the batter is allowed to return to the base without any obstruction. After the number of disqualified players of the offensive team reaches 3, then that half of the round will be ended, the two teams will take turns. There is no limit to how many players can spin the ball in each half, until it is eliminated 3 new players. If in a half, the attacking team has used up all the players on the list of their smashing order, then that round is called “batting around”. It can signal a round with many points scored. A round ends when the two teams have finished their part.

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Softball god says you are poster
Softball god says you are poster