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Massachusetts has coherent plans. The Governor takes time to change the plan when Science and Medical advice warrants. Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about. This is an outstanding analysis of our government’s failures to protect us. Funny only 25 cases out of Sturgis which had over 100k people, even better is the fact our democrat governor keeps small businesses in Pennsylvania shut down but let a flea market and car show go on for 3 days with 80k people and two weeks later theres…

Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about

Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about shirt

Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about

Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about shirt

This is the result of denying science and the advice of actual, real, experts . WITH DEGREES AND EXPERIENCE … in virology. Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about Sun Salutations President Obama! We are so very lucky to have you with us, dearest blessed Sir! Thank you for your absolutely wonderful speech two nights ago…….still internalizing and reliving the meaning in them………..Infinite respect, love an… I appreciated you speech the other night. I miss a president who can speak correctly with passion. It gives me great hope that we can turn this around so VOTE and Vote early!

We miss your leadership,thank you for providing us with clear path, your compassion and leadership are such a welcomed beacon of light in this hard times. Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about This president doesn’t even deliver a coherent sentence. We need to move forward and save lives and our democracy. Trump can’t even deliver a coherent sentence (without a teleprompter) let alone a coherent plan to manage the pandemic. A good leader makes a difference. Provides clear direction.. takes accountability…. has compassion.

Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about

Based on the pandemic alone he should not get a second term! Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about in a civilized nation, obviously the primary function of the Government. would be to direct all the efforts to fight the pandemia… unfortunately First the US needs a competent, coherent leader. That we dont have!!!!!! That is the biggest issue in US, currently we don’t have a leader. Unfortunately, the word ‘coherent’ is not in the orange vocabulary.

It amazes me the people who come onto Barack’s page who are Trumpers wanting to cause trouble. Go to Cheetos page and do all of us a favor. Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about and it will require the cooperation of every American to make these plans work. This administration has failed miserably to take any action before the fatal spread of the coronavirus and now we’re living the consequences. Barack Obama True. And will also take leaders with sufficient intellect not ones with a brain capacity of a peanut to safely navigate through the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Other countries have intelligent people taking advice from the scientists and listening for leading their countries!!! Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about Because the U.S. Trusted WHO in the very beginning. Without a doubt! Thank you President Barack Obama for your leadership I wish you were President when this happened we wouldnt be going through this God is in Control he may not come when you want but he’s always on time love you President Barack Obama Vote blue !

be back on duty mate the world needs politicians as you.. Ruth bader ginsburg superheroes fight for the things you care about The other countries have universal healthcare. Coherent is the key word. We are not DOING anything. Enough of the populace is sitting around waiting for someone Else to rescue them that it is crippling us. We are a great country. We can DO anything we decide to do. But half assed gets us nowhere, an… Very depressing to watch here in Canada. It’s like we are all in the twighliht zone.