Presidents are temporary black sabbath is forever yard signs


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The algebra of disincentives’ is off. People need to do perp walk like in university admissions scandals. This will make them take better care. Presidents are temporary black sabbath is forever yard signs Break this bank up into teeny, tiny little pieces and do NOT let it buy its way back – like ATT did when they were broken up but merged all the way back again. They did it for 8 year probably made hell of money and 920 mills probably nothing for them Any time financial malfeasance is exposed the official reaction and punishment” are always the same

Presidents are temporary black sabbath is forever yard signs 1

Presidents are temporary black sabbath is forever yard signs

Colleen Baker Lee Presidents are temporary black sabbath is forever yard signs Because he couldnt be bothered to tell anyone. Would look bad for him. Can’t protect yourself if you don’t know it’s coming. And he still plays it down. trump rejected science on feb 28 2020 when 18 WHO experts” ALL advised him not to halt flights! at this same time they also said masks weren’t essential. At this time Taiwan was rejected as a country by the WHO. people- you are smarter than this fals…

Presidents are temporary black sabbath is forever yard signs

Beaver Mark
Rick Oshea
How come when the banks Rob the tax-payers they get a big hefty bonus?
Quit relying on the lies of career politicians to fix everything, do it yourselves
Tony Pera
I started w WaMu and loved them but Chase is so shady. I keep saying I keep saying i am going to leave but I have so many things auto set up I am afraid I would miss a payment somewhere.
Since the fraud was a breach of confidence in an entire industry it should be 20x the reward they would have gained.

BERNIE, BERNIE, BERNIE – where have you been all my life?

They keep breaking laws. Sorry not sorry , I’ll just pay the fine and keep breaking the law. White collar crime is still a crime.
Not enough. The penalties need to be prohibitive. Not something that can be written off as a cost of doing business.
you can jail as many as you like, but the system is broken, so another just like them is put in their place. nothing changes. just like any other corrupt system.