Unwoke Men Are Men Women Life Begins At Conception God Is Real Shirt, hoodie, tank top


Unwoke Men Are Men Women Life Begins At Conception God Is Real Shirt

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Unwoke Men Are Men Women Life Begins At Conception God Is Real Shirt, hoodie, tank top

Ephesians 5:18 ‘And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.’

Through the daily surrender of selfish desires to control others, dominate others and manipulate others to get what we want, as we spiritually drink the Living Waters, being soaked in His presence we are being continually filled and empowered.

Surrender of self or letting go of selfish desires and ambitions is to submit to one another.

The first Pentecost the disciples of Jesus experienced the living God and His transforming power.

They heard. By His Spirit God opens our ears, giving us new ways to hear His truth, His voice and be immersed in Him, all of which is His heart’s desire of unconditional love.

They saw. God opens our eyes, giving us new ways to see His glory, His vision, His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

They spoke. God opens our mouth, giving us new ways to speak His Words, His will, His love story to all peoples.

They Heard, They saw, They Spoke.

He continues His work in and through every disciple as we continually be filled drinking His Living Waters daily surrendered to His will and totally immersed in Him.

Today as we have heard and have seen, by His Spirit may we speak His truth into this lost and dying world. Testifying of His greatness.

His will be done, His mission fulfilled. By His Spirit, in His name, to the glory of our Father. Amen.


Unwoke Men Are Men Women Life Begins At Conception God Is Real Shirt, hoodie, tank top
see more: https://beutee.net/product/unwoke-men-are-men/
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